SMU-Duke Medicine Pathway is on a mission to develop future clinicians who’ll bring with ’em a solid appreciation and understanding of operations of the healthcare eco-system & hospital. The smu degree enables ’em to function as doctors and they can navigate the conformity effectively, giving the finest analyses.
Students can successfully graduate with any of the following degrees-
- BAcc, i.e., Bachelor of Accountancy
- BBM, i.e., Bachelor of Business Management
- BSc (Econs), i.e., Bachelor of Science in Economics
- BSc (IS), i.e., Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
- BSc (CS), i.e., Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- LL.B. i.e., Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Social Science
- BSc (Computing and Law), i.e., Bachelor of Science in Computing & Law
How Do You Apply
- Applicants should indicate their concern in applying at the SMU-Duke-NUS Medicine Pathway
- Additionally, applicants are needed to complete an online Application Form of Duke-NUS Conditional Admissions.
- The Completed applications will then be reviewed. Later, the selected candidates will be asked to come for interviews.
- Applicants will first be required to get accepted in the UG Programme besides being given conditional admission into MD to get offered a place at “SMU-Duke-NUS Medicine Pathway”
To know further, you may look over the web and gather more info.
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